Friday, April 24, 2009

Library earns Humanities honor

The National Endowment for the Humanities has selected the Cloquet Public Library to receive the 2009 We the People “Picturing America” Bookshelf. Cloquet was one of 4,000 libraries across the country to receive this year’s Bookshelf, a set of 17 classic books on the theme of “Picturing America." Three of the books are in Spanish translation.

The Library also received two bonus hardcover books, Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out by the National Children’s Book and Literacy Alliance, and 1776: The Illustrated Edition by David McCullough. Supplementary materials include bookplates, bookmarks and posters. The Bookshelf program is part of the Endowment’s “We the People” initiative, which supports projects that strengthen the teaching, study and understanding of American history and culture.

The “Picturing America” Bookshelf theme is inspired by the premise that a nation’s literature, as well as its visual art, can be a window into its history, aspirations and ideals. The 2009 Bookshelf is a literary complement to NEH’s Picturing America program, a free education resource that provides reproductions of 40 works of great American art to schools and public libraries to help educators teach American history and culture through our nation’s art. Last year the Library also earned the NEH’s Picturing America resource, which is currently on display throughout the building.

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